Ok, so I'm going to assume for the sake of this tutorial that you know how to connect to your favourite MUD in ZMud already. So, I'll start with the ZMud interface once you're connected. Below we have the basic Zmud interface.

 This is roughly what your basic ZMud interface looks like. Now, take a look at the bar at the top, highlighted below.

See the picture buttons, these are how you're going to create  all of your ZMud code, at least at first. Later on you may feel comfortable doing it completely through the text bar at the bottom, but if that's you then chances are these tutorials are too basic for you. Take a careful note of the names under each button here.

CHARS - short for characters, this will show all the character presets you have saved in ZMud. You don't need to worry about this for the sake of this tutorial.

SETTINGS - This button opens up all your settings, simultaneously.

CLASSES - This will show all your class folders. More on this later.

ALIASES, VARIABLES, TRIGGERS, MACROS and BUTTONS will be the focus of tutorials, to help you grasp the basics. See the following tutorials for full explanations.

PATHS - shows all preset walking paths with ZMapper.

PREFS - short for Preferences, will show all of your preference settings for ZMud, including parsing and variable expansion. Don't worry if you don't understand that at this stage.

MAP and DB we won't be dealing with as these are not basic settings nor in the scope of these tutorials.
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